Flower Mound chiropractor Dr. Butler has been practicing since 1983 treating patients in Flower Mound, Lewisville, and the surrounding communities of Highland Village, Grapevine, and Denton. He incorporates chiropractic adjustments, corrective exercises, lifestyle and nutritional advice, spinal and postural screenings, and physiotherapy into his treatments, which he individualizes for each patient's specific needs.
Dr. Butler treats pain from personal injuries, auto accident injuries, headaches, back pain, sports injuries, and other spinal misalignments and conditions. All of our chiropractic services are designed to not only treat and manage your pain but to also correct and heal what is causing it. Dr. Butler's total body approach helps you alleviate pain using drug-free and non-surgical methods while improving the overall well-being of your body.
Chiropractic Care Benefits Patients Beyond Treating for Back Pain and Auto Accident Injuries in Flower Mound
Our Flower Mound chiropractor is well versed in many different methods of chiropractic care and techniques which include physiotherapy, acupuncture, and myofascial release. He can successfully treat neck and back pain, disc herniation, headaches, sciatica, stenosis, carpal tunnel, and postural problems.
Corrective exercises can be combined with chiropractic care to accelerate the healing process in muscles, ligaments, and nerves. These exercises are designed to help strengthen and stretch muscles and connective tissues, which can increase the effectiveness of your spinal correction. Specific exercises assist in your wellness routine by helping your body stay balanced. Therapeutic exercises can be used to treat pain caused by sciatica and carpal tunnel as well as a disc herniation, muscle sprains and strains from auto accident injuries.
Spinal and postural screenings provide important health information that can reveal problems and prevent spinal damage. Dr. Butler can give you information about how to improve your posture and avoid back pain and headaches. This type of pain is often caused by misalignments in the spine and neck.
Physiotherapy is one of the frequent services used in our chiropractic clinic. Some of the physiological procedures used in our chiropractic center include muscle stimulation, mechanical traction, cryotherapy, and rehabilitation programs. These treatments can assist in alleviating back pain for those who suffer from stenosis, sciatica, and disc herniation.
Lifestyle advice is a helpful service available in our clinic to assist you with your wellness goals. We treat the whole body; therefore, your body has many health needs besides chiropractic care for pain management. You can enjoy health coaching which will help you with certain activities and challenges. Our lifestyle advice includes specific counsel pertaining to exercise and healthy living. Dr. Butler will suggest supplements and vitamins that are good for you, will benefit your body and promote optimal wellness.
If you are suffering from auto accident injuries, headaches, back pain, or other musculoskeletal disorders, then visit our Flower Mound chiropractor who is dedicated to treating and healing your pain to achieve optimum wellness. Call our office today for an appointment.
9:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
Our last AM appointment is 12:15pm.
Our last PM appointment is 5:45pm.
Butler Chiropractic
1501 Cross Timbers Road #200
Flower Mound, TX 75028
Phone: (972) 221-7533
Fax: (972) 219-6901