What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Many Americans suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome or CTS. This condition is an inflammation of the "tunnel" of tissue encasing the median nerve, which passes through the forearm and wrist to route signals from the brain to the first three fingers and thumb of the hand. When the inflamed tissue presses against the median nerve, these signals begin to misfire, causing debilitating pain, numbness and coordination problems.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Flower Mound can afflict any individuals who give their hands and wrists a workout, from tennis players and instrumentalists to office workers who spend countless hours at the computer. The latter case is usually worsened by inadequate breaks, a too-low desktop or an inconveniently positioned keyboard and mouse. An impingement of the nerve higher up in the arm or even in the spine can cause similar symptoms.
CTS Solutions at Butler Chiropractic Clinic in Flower Mound
While many CTS sufferers turn to surgery as the solution to their hand or wrist pain, we believe strongly that conservative care should come first, with invasive procedures as a last resort. Surgery represents a permanent, irreversible alteration of the area, and in some cases, it does nothing to relieve the symptoms. This is especially true if the condition has been misdiagnosed; thoracic outlet syndrome, for instance, is an impingement of the nerves near the shoulder that closely mimics CTS symptoms.
Our chiropractor's expertise at diagnosing nerve impingements can help to ensure a proper diagnosis. If the problem originates in a spinal misalignment, manual adjustment or decompression can correct it. If the problem stems from an overuse injury, we can prescribe braces, wraps, and other natural treatments to help the tissues heal themselves. If your CTS was caused or aggravated by ergonomic issues at work, we can advise you on how to adjust your workspace. We encourage you to examine your options, starting with an evaluation here at Butler Chiropractic Clinic. Let us lend you a helping hand!
When did your symptoms start? Are they work-related?
9:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
Our last AM appointment is 12:15pm.
Our last PM appointment is 5:45pm.
Butler Chiropractic
1501 Cross Timbers Road #200
Flower Mound, TX 75028
Phone: (972) 221-7533
Fax: (972) 219-6901